Pnp Powershell Examples:
Install Pnp Powershell:
Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
PreChecks Script:
Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#Migration Tracker
$record = Import-Csv -Path "D:\Users\Documents\scripts\test.csv"
$outCsv = "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\SourceOutput.csv"
"SourceURL`tWebs`tList Title`tList Count`tInfoPath" > $outCsv
foreach($data in $record){
$SiteURL= $data.SourceURL
Get-Date -Format “dddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm”
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Source Post Checks Started------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Function to Get Lists and Libraries of a web
Function Get-PnPListInventory([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$Web)
write-Host "-----" + $web.Title + "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Region List Operations
$ListItemCollection = @()
#$listsOnPrem= Get-PnPList -Web $Web |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Form Templates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Access Requests' -and $_.Title -ne 'appdata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Composed Looks' -and $_.Title -ne 'Content type publishing error log' -and $_.Title -ne 'Converted Forms' -and $_.Title -ne 'Master Page Gallery' -and$_.Title -ne 'NintexSnippets' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexTemplates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Theme Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'User Information List' -and $_.Title -ne 'Web Part Gallery'}
$listsOnPrem= Get-PnPList -Web $Web |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Access Requests' -and $_.Title -ne 'appdata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Composed Looks' -and $_.Title -ne 'Content type publishing error log' -and $_.Title -ne 'Converted Forms' -and $_.Title -ne 'Master Page Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexSnippets' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexTemplates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Theme Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'User Information List' -and $_.Title -ne 'Web Part Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'Maintenance Log Library' -and $_.Title -ne 'List Template Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexWorkflowHistory' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexWorkflows' -and $_.Title -ne 'Reporting Metadata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Reporting Templates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Site Template Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'MicroFeed' -and $_.Title -ne 'appfiles'}
Write-Host "-----Lists Count: " $listsOnPrem.count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "------------List Operations------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Lists Operation
forEach ( $list in $listsOnPrem)
$listTitle = $list.Title
$listType = $list.BaseTemplate
$listUrl = $list.DefaultViewUrl
$lsCount = $list.ItemCount
$row = new-object PSObject
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Title” -value $list.Title
#Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $list.ItemCount
$NbOfFiles = 0
if($listType -eq 101)
#write-host "total - " $list.ItemCount
$folderItems = Get-PnPListItem -Web $Web -List $list -Fields "FileLeafRef","FolderChildCount", "ItemChildCount"
foreach ($folderitem in $folderItems) {
if (($folderitem.FileSystemObjectType) -eq "File") {
$NbOfFiles += 1
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $NbOfFiles
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $list.ItemCount
#Region More than 10k items
if($lsCount -ge 10000)
Write-Host "10K Lists: " $listTitle -ForegroundColor Red
$currList = Get-PnPList -Web $Web $listTitle -Includes ContentTypes, Forms
$listForms = $currList.Forms
$flag = 0
forEach ( $listFm in $listForms )
{ $infoPath = ""
$listPath = $listFm.ServerRelativeUrl
if ( $listPath -like '*displayifs.aspx' -or $listPath -like '*newifs.aspx' -or $listPath -like '*FormServer.aspx')
$flag = 1
#Region Infopath
if($list.BaseTemplate -eq 115)
{ $infoPath = "Found at URL " + $listUrl
Write-Host 'InfoPath Found in Library ' $listTitle " at URL " $listUrl -ForegroundColor Red
if($flag -eq 1)
{ $infoPath = "Found at URL " + $listUrl
Write-Host 'InfoPath Found in List ' $listTitle " at URL " $listUrl -ForegroundColor Red
#End Region Infopath
$ListItemCollection += $row
"$SiteURL`t$($web.Url)`t$listTitle`t$lsCount`t$infoPath" >> $outCsv
$ListItemCollection | Format-Table
$ListItemCollection = @()
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------List Operations End------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#End Region
#Region Source Pre Checks
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -UseWebLogin
$webOnPrem = Get-PnPWeb
$OnPremSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
$OnPremRootSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
Write-Host "--Site URL: " $webOnPrem.Url -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--Root subsites Count: " $OnPremRootSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--All Subsites(Recursive) Count: " $OnPremSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-PnPListInventory $webOnPrem
if($OnPremSubsites.Count -gt 0)
Foreach ($web in $OnPremSubsites)
$OnPremSubSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs -Web $web -Recurse |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
Write-Host "--SubSite URL: " $web.Url -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--Subsites Count: " $OnPremSubSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-PnPListInventory $web
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Next Item------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Success!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Get-Date -Format “dddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm”
Get InfoPath, Workflow, External Users:
Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#Migration Tracker
$record = Import-Csv -Path "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\test.csv"
$outCsv = "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\InfoPath.csv"
$outCsv1 = "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\WorkFlows.csv"
$outCsv2 = "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\ExternalUsers.csv"
"SourceURL`tWebs`tList Title`tList Count`tInfoPath" > $outCsv
"SourceURL`tWebURL`tList Title`tWorkflow Name`tEnabled`tModified`tInstantiationUrl" > $outCsv1
"SourceURL`tExternal User Name`tExternal User Email" > $outCsv2
foreach($data in $record){
$SiteURL= $data.SourceURL
Get-Date -Format “dddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm”
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Source Post Checks Started------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Function to Get Lists and Libraries of a web
Function Get-PnPListInventory([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$Web)
write-Host "-----" + $web.Title + "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Region List Operations
$ListItemCollection = @()
#$listsOnPrem= Get-PnPList -Web $Web |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Form Templates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Access Requests' -and $_.Title -ne 'appdata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Composed Looks' -and $_.Title -ne 'Content type publishing error log' -and $_.Title -ne 'Converted Forms' -and $_.Title -ne 'Master Page Gallery' -and$_.Title -ne 'NintexSnippets' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexTemplates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Theme Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'User Information List' -and $_.Title -ne 'Web Part Gallery'}
$listsOnPrem= Get-PnPList -Web $Web |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Access Requests' -and $_.Title -ne 'appdata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Composed Looks' -and $_.Title -ne 'Content type publishing error log' -and $_.Title -ne 'Converted Forms' -and $_.Title -ne 'Master Page Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexSnippets' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexTemplates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Theme Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'User Information List' -and $_.Title -ne 'Web Part Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'Maintenance Log Library' -and $_.Title -ne 'List Template Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexWorkflowHistory' -and $_.Title -ne 'NintexWorkflows' -and $_.Title -ne 'Reporting Metadata' -and $_.Title -ne 'Reporting Templates' -and $_.Title -ne 'Site Template Gallery' -and $_.Title -ne 'MicroFeed' -and $_.Title -ne 'appfiles'}
Write-Host "-----Lists Count: " $listsOnPrem.count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "------------List Operations------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Lists Operation
forEach ( $list in $listsOnPrem)
$listTitle = $list.Title
$listType = $list.BaseTemplate
$listUrl = $list.DefaultViewUrl
$lsCount = $list.ItemCount
# ----------Workflow Start-------------
#$listContext = $list.Context
#If ($list.WorkflowAssociations -ne $null) {
Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $list -Property WorkflowAssociations
foreach ($wf in $list.WorkflowAssociations) {
$WorkflowName = $wf.Name
"$SiteURL`t$($web.Url)`t$listTitle`t$WorkflowName`t$($wf.Enabled)`t$($wf.Modified)`t$($wf.InstantiationUrl)" >> $outCsv1
#$workflowInstances = Get-PnPWorkflowInstance -List $listTitle
Write-Host "--Workflow: " $WorkflowName -ForegroundColor Red
# ----------Workflow End-------------
$row = new-object PSObject
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Title” -value $list.Title
#Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $list.ItemCount
$NbOfFiles = 0
if($listType -eq 101)
#write-host "total - " $list.ItemCount
$folderItems = Get-PnPListItem -Web $Web -List $list -Fields "FileLeafRef","FolderChildCount", "ItemChildCount"
foreach ($folderitem in $folderItems) {
if (($folderitem.FileSystemObjectType) -eq "File") {
$NbOfFiles += 1
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $NbOfFiles
Add-member -inputObject $row -memberType NoteProperty -Name “List Item Count” -value $list.ItemCount
#Region More than 10k items
if($lsCount -ge 10000)
Write-Host "10K Lists: " $listTitle -ForegroundColor Red
$currList = Get-PnPList -Web $Web $listTitle -Includes ContentTypes, Forms
$listForms = $currList.Forms
$flag = 0
forEach ( $listFm in $listForms )
{ $infoPath = ""
$listPath = $listFm.ServerRelativeUrl
if ( $listPath -like '*displayifs.aspx' -or $listPath -like '*newifs.aspx' -or $listPath -like '*FormServer.aspx')
$flag = 1
#Region Infopath
if($list.BaseTemplate -eq 115)
{ $infoPath = "Found at URL " + $listUrl
Write-Host 'InfoPath Found in Library ' $listTitle " at URL " $listUrl -ForegroundColor Red
if($flag -eq 1)
{ $infoPath = "Found at URL " + $listUrl
Write-Host 'InfoPath Found in List ' $listTitle " at URL " $listUrl -ForegroundColor Red
#End Region Infopath
$ListItemCollection += $row
"$SiteURL`t$($web.Url)`t$listTitle`t$lsCount`t$infoPath" >> $outCsv
$ListItemCollection | Format-Table
$ListItemCollection = @()
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------List Operations End------------------------------------------------------------------------"
#End Region
#Region Source Pre Checks
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -UseWebLogin
$webOnPrem = Get-PnPWeb
$OnPremSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs -Recurse |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
$OnPremRootSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
Write-Host "--Site URL: " $webOnPrem.Url -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--Root subsites Count: " $OnPremRootSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--All Subsites(Recursive) Count: " $OnPremSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
$users = Get-PnPUser -WithRightsAssigned
foreach($user in $users){
$userTitle = $user.Title
"$SiteURL`t$userTitle`t$($user.Email)" >> $outCsv2
Get-PnPListInventory $webOnPrem
if($OnPremSubsites.Count -gt 0)
Foreach ($web in $OnPremSubsites)
$OnPremSubSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs -Web $web -Recurse |Where-Object {$_.Title -ne 'Blogs'}
Write-Host "--SubSite URL: " $web.Url -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--Subsites Count: " $OnPremSubSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-PnPListInventory $web
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Next Item------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------Success!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Get-Date -Format “dddd dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm”
Get Site Details:
Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
#Migration Tracker
$record = Import-Csv -Path "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\siteDetailsInput.csv"
$outCsv = "D:\UserData\Documents\scripts\siteDetailsOutput.csv"
"SourceURL`tSite Title`tSite Description`tSubsites`tSize(MB)`tLCID" > $outCsv
foreach($data in $record){
$SiteURL= $data.URL
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -UseWebLogin
$site = Get-Culture
$siteOnPrem = Get-PnPSite
$siteUsage = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $siteOnPrem -Property Usage
$SizeinMB = [System.Math]::Round((($siteUsage.Storage)/1MB),2)
$webOnPrem = Get-PnPWeb
$OnPremSubsites= Get-PnPSubWebs
$webDescription = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $webOnPrem -Property Description
#$webSize = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $webOnPrem -Property Size
Write-Host "--Site URL:" $webOnPrem.Url
Write-Host "--Site Title: " $webOnPrem.Title -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--Site description: " $webDescription -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--Subsites(Recursive) Count: " $OnPremSubsites.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--Size in MB: " $SizeinMB -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "--LCID: " $site.LCID
"$SiteURL`t$($webOnPrem.Title)`t$webDescription`t$($OnPremSubsites.Count)`t$SizeinMB`t$($site.LCID)" >> $outCsv
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